Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Easy Mini Gift Basket for Coworker Gifting

I always try to show a little appreciation to my boss and coworkers around the Holidays by giving a small gift.  I've never felt a gift had to be expensive or elaborate but I find something that is thoughtful or well put together is just as appreciated.  This year I was having a hard time figuring out what to get.  In the past I've given or received small candy dishes filled with candy, poinsettia plants, boxes of chocolate, and mugs filled with candy, hot chocolate, or coffee.  I like the idea of food because who doesn't appreciate food?  It's also pretty generic but can be made into something thoughtful.

So what did I do?  First, I put my oldest son to work making caramel chocolate candies.  You can find the recipe I used here.

I bagged up the pretzels in individual small bags.  I then went out and purchased small boxes of chocolate truffles, mini panettone, and 187 mL bottles of sparkling wine.  I took a festive cardboard cookie tray, filled it with red paper crinkle and placed the items inside the tray.  Then I covered with plastic wrap and tied it with a bow. Voila!

This mini gift basket was soooo very easy and my coworkers loved it.  You can always nix the home baking and just add purchased items which makes it even easier.

We had a lot of fun making these mini gift baskets and I had even more fun delivering them to my coworkers!  Happy Holidays everyone!!


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