Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Red Summer Dress

 Red Dress (size S) // Shoes // Belt (OLD - Similar Here & Here) // Sunglasses (Similar here & here)

Hi there!  I know, it's been a while.  We've been busy with the end of school, camps and just general summer laid back style.  I motivated myself back to the gym...yay!  The incentive was an outdoor pool at the gym where the boys could run/swim out their sillies.  Hey, whatever works :).  I was also away on my first business trip in a looooooong time!  It was great!  In order to go I had my mom and two youngest in tow.  Yes, I know...not normal.  But sometimes the only way to be a mom and a career person is to merge the two together. 

So, THIS red dress...I'm in love!  Honestly, I saw it on the rack and seriously thought nothing of it except the fact that I like red.  When I tried it on I really loved the way it flowed, how it was light and airy, and also cinched at the waist so it didn't look like I was wearing a paper bag!  I put the belt on for extra definition at the waist.  I honestly collect belts and wear them few and far between.  The upside of that is when I'm looking for one I usually already have one available!

I've worn the dress mostly to work but it's great for a summer party or more casual with flats!  It's currently on sale and really a great buy.  Runs true to size even on my athletic frame.  Here are some other dresses I'm loving for the summer:

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